Finished another game

Hellou, I finished and published another project. Another idle incremental game 🙂 I never get bored of these type of games and I really want to become good at making them.

Here is the link to the Google Play Store: Vaccine Maker on Google Play Store

Again this one was made with Unity game engine. I cannot say that I’m a big fan of this engine… I would really like to do everything in code. My first ever mobile project was built with framework, not an engine. But unfortunately I’m not some super smart coder and working with proper game engine makes things happen much faster. And now in 2021 I cannot say that I have a lot of free time… So I need to compromise, but in the future I hope I will be making a game entirely in code. Maybe with MonoGame. Because now I’m starting to get comfortable with C# and MonoGame looks really interesting.

Anyway my new game is called Vaccine Maker 🙂 It is a small game, super easy to pick up and play. Great time killer. At least for me 🙂

Some screenshots:

Vaccine Maker
Vaccine Maker
More of laboratory

So that’s it for now. I already have couple more projects in mind. Definitely not stopping now. This is a great hobby to have and who knows… maybe it will open some doors for me in the future 🙂

Have a great day!

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