Finished another game

Hellou, I finished and published another project. Another idle incremental game 🙂 I never get bored of these type of games and I really want to become good at making them. Here is the link to the Google Play Store: Vaccine Maker on Google Play Store Again this one was made with Unity game engine.… Continue reading Finished another game

New Idle Incremental Game

Finally a post about my Unity game development 🙂 Quite some time has passed from my last post. Not because I was too lazy to write or I quit game dev in general. No, quite the opposite. In almost two months I published two games and here, in this post for now I’m writing about… Continue reading New Idle Incremental Game

Started working on my Game/App (post No. 3)

From the last post I made some nice progress. It took some time, because I’m a beginner with Python and especially new in Kivy, in mobile development. So every feature, every new element in my GUI meant extensive research which involved reading docs, googling, asking for help in Kivy discord and etc. For example I… Continue reading Started working on my Game/App (post No. 3)