Change of logo. Again…

So quick post. I was not happy with my previous attempt on creating my logo. After some thinking decided to try again. Still not 100% satisfied, but at least for me it looks better now: Also I finished my first mobile app. Now just need to create my Android developer account, then build my production… Continue reading Change of logo. Again…

Finally have a logo

Finally I was able to find time to create my logo. Unfortunately I’m not very skillful at graphical design 🙂 So at first I was thinking maybe to hire someone for example on Fiverr. But then I decided to do it myself. It is more fun this way 🙂 First step was to find a… Continue reading Finally have a logo

Started working on my Game/App (post No. 3)

From the last post I made some nice progress. It took some time, because I’m a beginner with Python and especially new in Kivy, in mobile development. So every feature, every new element in my GUI meant extensive research which involved reading docs, googling, asking for help in Kivy discord and etc. For example I… Continue reading Started working on my Game/App (post No. 3)